Week Sixteen – Stagnation

Apparently the more weight you lose the harder it becomes to lose more. There are many purported reasons for this but my personal theory is that it is down to slacking.

When we started the diet I stopped using olive oil in favour of a spray oil, cut out fatty meats and, by choosing either carbs or protein, ensured that the calorific value of each meal was less. The weekend bottles of wine were stopped and with them the snacks we bought to stave off the munchies. I believe that I also reduced the portion sizes.

As we have settled into the diet we have started to slacken: whilst we still aren’t having the snack foods we are having a bottle of wine or two at the weekend. The spray oil has gone and, although I am not using as much, I am back to using olive oil. When I was thinking of what to write this week I looked back over what we ate last week and realised that I had become a little complacent.

On Wednesday last week we had some puy lentils bulked out with some carrots and celery. We thought we had ordered uncooked ones from the supermarket but when they arrived they turned out to be ready to eat. I was a little disappointed with not being able to cook them myself until I tasted them and discovered how delicious they were. Oh, to accompany the lentils we had a confit duck leg. As lovely as it was I guess that eating meat that has been poached in fat isn’t very diet friendly.

On Friday Debbie was out so I made myself Spaghetti with garlic, chilli and rocket, a simple dish which I made far too much of. And ate.

Saturday as spent wandering around some art galleries in London before dinner at Tierra Brindisa. I don’t feel too guilty about this because it is my favourite restaurant and I haven’t been for months but maybe we shouldn’t have included a mini pub crawl in our journey there.

On Sunday I made a tagine with lots of root vegetables. It was lovely and tasty, erm, as was the joint of quite fatty pork I slipped in with it.

So at the weigh in I only managed to lose a pound. I was surprised to only have lost so little until I started writing this and realised how complacent I had become. I think it is only the weekday swimming that let me lose anything this week.

My challenge for the coming week is to see if I can get back to being good. Or less bad.

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